The Beaver program emphasizes having fun while encouraging children to feel good about themselves, their friends, family, and nature. Beavers helps children learn basic social skills and gain self confidence. The Beaver program promotes activities that encourage children to:
•Find examples of their own spiritual beliefs.
•Experience and express love and joy.
•Be healthy and have good feelings about themselves.
•Develop a sense of belonging and sharing in small group activities.
•Develop a sense of cooperation through non-competitive activities.
The Beaver program is built around a lively variety of games, crafts, music, storytelling, playacting, spiritual fellowship and the outdoors. Beaver activities stress cooperation and teamwork, and can involve the whole family.
The outdoors is an essential part of the Beaver program. Weekend events, picnics, short nature hikes and family based camping opportunities round out the Beaver experience.
Beavers meet in a group called a colony. The colony is split into smaller groups called lodges. There is one leader for every five Beavers. Each Beaver learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.
Beaver Promise:
I promise to love God and help take care of the world.
Beaver Law:
A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps family and friends.
Beaver Motto:
Sharing, Sharing, Sharing
Cubbing is built around a lively variety of games, crafts, music, storytelling, play acting, spiritual fellowship and the outdoors. The Cub program focuses around six activity areas: The Natural World, Outdoors, Creative Expression, Healthy Living, Home and Community, and Canada and the World. Individual interests and skills are recognized through simple awards.
The outdoors is an essential part of the Cub program. Weekend events, hikes and overnight camping opportunities round out the Cubbing experience.
Cubs meet in a group called a pack. The pack is split into smaller groups called sixes. There is one leader for every six Cubs. Each Cub learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.
Wolf Cub Promise:
I promise to do my best
To love and serve God, to do my duty to the Queen;
To keep the law of the Wolf Cub pack,
And to do a good turn for somebody every day.
Wolf Cub Law:
The Cub respects the Old Wolf,
The Cub respects himself/herself.
Wolf Cub Motto:
Do Your Best
We are a small group of 10 boys and girls. Some are new to Scouts. Others have been involved for years – as Beavers and Cubs – before moving on to Scouts.
To give you an idea of what Scouts is all about, here’s a list of some of the things we’ve done over the last year.
•Went to the Scout fall and spring challenge camps at Camp Barnard.
•Hiked the Cowichan River Trail and camped at Stoltz Pool.
•Camped on Newcastle Island.
•Lived with only our survival kits from noon one day ‘til noon the next.
•Helped out on a work party at our hall and helped a family that isn’t able to care for their yard.
•Snowshoed at Mt Washington while some of us camped in the snow.
•Hiked the Gowland-Todd Trail.
•Joined in the Klondike Derby at the Royal Roads campus.
•Cycled to Mattick’s Farm.
•Cycled from Mill Bay to Duncan, Crofton, Ruckle Park on Saltspring Island, and then back to Victoria.
•Made reflector ovens and cigar-box guitars.
•Plus swimming, wide games, geocaching, etc.
One of our members will be going to a Scout jamboree in Scotland next summer, and we’re working toward a backpacking trip to Cape Scott in July, together with a visit to Alert Bay and Sointula.
We’d love to welcome newcomers to the group.
Scout Motto:
Be Prepared
We generally offer a one weekend activity (camp, hike, etc.) every month in addition to our weekly meetings.
We’re a small group of 6 Venturers. Most of us have been involved in Scouts since we were Beavers, but we also have a few newcomers. We go to Vic High and Esquimalt High, and a couple of us are in Air Cadets. We’re into outdoor activities, connecting with other Venturer Companies, and helping out with our own group and Camp Barnard.
Some of the things we did last year:
•With others, four of us travelled to Paris, and through England and Scotland en route to a jamboree at Blair Atholl.
•A couple of us backpacked in to Cape Scott.
•We travelled on the E&N to camp on Newcastle Island.
•We helped raise funds for our own group and Camp Barnard – including the polar bear swim.
•We took part in the couch run and Skeeter.
Some of the things we’re doing this year:
•Newcastle Island.
•Rovent, at Manning Park in February.
•Volunteering at PJ2015.
•Helping out our Beaver Colony.
•Camp work parties.
•Cycling, hiking and backpacking.
We’d like to grow! Check us out!
Venturer Promise:
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
Venturer Motto:
The outdoors is an essential part of the Rover program. Rovers often participate in adventurous activities like mountain climbing, or white water rafting.
Rovers also help their local communities by running service activities such as food drives, park clean-ups, and tree plantings.
Rovers meet in a group called a crew. Rovers develop and manage their own program under the mentorship of a respected advisor. Rovers adhere to a promise and motto.
The Rover Promise:
On my honourI promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
The Rover Motto: